Love & Romance Articles > In Love
Do You Think You Are In Love?
Do you think that you are in love. Are you sure? How? Why do you think that you are in love? Why do you think that it is not temporary attraction?
Experiencing Romance
Romance. Can it be discussed? It has to be experienced, isn't it? But, let us talk of romance, because we cannot avoid discussion about it.
Get Motivated By Romance
All of us need motivation. We eat because we feel hungry. We drink water because we are thirsty. We do everything in life for a reason.
Feelings Of Romance
Romance is an eternal subject for most poets. Romance, the life giving force. Romance, that changes perceptions and romance makes a dull night a night of poetic thoughts.
I Love You - The Fun Of Saying It
Love, the feeling that makes a person new and feel heavenly. Love, a feeling that changes life within a moment. Have we not heard of love at first sight?
The Madness That Is Love
If you talk to two persons - one who has never felt love, and other who is deeply in love, you will find them talking in a very different way.
Can Love Cause Destruction?
The title of this article is a little shocking, Isn't it? Because no one can think of love and destruction together. But love does destroy. How? Let us examine.
Do you think, you are born for each other?
The couple was walking on the sidewalk. They looked to be totally absorbed with each other. They were not speaking to each other, but a glance at them could tell that they were in deep love and were made for each other.
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